
Oilfield Compound Balanced Pumping Unit

Oilfield Compound Balanced Pumping Unit

The pumping unit is the mechanism that converts the rotary motion of the prime mover into the reciprocating vertical movement required at the polished rod. Most types of pumping units utilize a walking beam, inherited from the days of the cable-tool drilling rigs. The purpose, simply stated, of the basic system is to transmit energy from the surface to the downhole pump.  The resulting configuration has been referred to as a Sucker Rod Pump System. There are several types of Surface Units that could cover a wide range of applications. Gear Boxes are made of Gear Reducer and a housing which support the torque demand and transmit the rotary movement from the prime mover to the crankshaft of the surface unit. Two prime movers types are used, commonly depending on the power availability: electric motor and/or internal combustion engines. At the wellhead the stuffing box has as main function, avoid damages to the polished rod and prevent oil leaks. The polished rod transmi…