
electric mountain bike for long distance travel

electric mountain bike for long distance travel

Both electric mountain bike and Electric Bicycle offer convenient features such as adjustable power levels and long-lasting batteries. This allows riders to customize their ride and travel for extended periods of time without worry.  With their eco-friendly features and long-range capabilities, these e-bikes are the ultimate companion for any adventurous traveler looking for thrill rides and a sustainable mode of transportation. In terms of battery configuration, the electric mountain bike is equipped with a 400WH.H lithium battery, which can last for 150 kilometers in pure electric mode, while in the pedal-assisted riding mode, the maximum battery life of the mtb electric bike can reach 350 kilometers, and , as a light electric bike with only 23kg in the whole vehicle, it can also ride easily with pedals like a bicycle. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONAS item value Model Num…