
Best products sophora japonica extract powder

Best products sophora japonica extract powder

Product Description >> Sophora flowers (robinia pseudoacacia) are many flowers, racemes, butterfly-shaped corolla, clusters when in full bloom, overlapping dangling florets are more wrinkled and curly, petals are scattered, complete calyx bell-shaped, yellowish green, apex 5 lobed; Petals 5, usually yellow or yellowish-white, but also other colors such as purplish red (see picture), usually 1 large, nearly rounded, apex concave, other 4 oblong; Stamens 10, 9 of them basal united, filaments slender; Pistil cylindrical, curved this entry mainly introduces the flowers of the leguminous plant locust, the introduction of the plant locust please see the entry locust, the introduction of the bud of locust please see the entry locust rice, and other Chinese medicine related to locust can see locust real.It is a plant extract. Product Function >> Sophora japonica, also known as acacia flower, in a broad sense refers to the flowers and bud…